The volumetric composition of the building comes from the reinterpretation of the rural house and its typological characters, declined in a contemporary key starting from the L-shaped plant typical of the Venetian peasant tradition.
The large external forometries become a decisive factor for the qualification of the internal space but also an attempt to dematerialize the volumetric density.
The need for a client sensitive to the dictates of eco-compatibility and energy consumption, implies a careful planning to the thermal dispersions to obtain a comfortable building, easy to maintain and healthy, because it offers environments with always fresh air, built with natural materials and constant in the internal climate in spite of the external climatic variations even for days and days.
A prefabricated structure in x-lam allows this objective to be reached within a short time frame of 6 months. Given the intrinsic characteristics of the wood, as an excellent insulating material, together with the high insulation thicknesses and the elimination of thermal bridges, it allows to obtain high energy performances thus saving on the heating and cooling costs of the house. It is the only building material with a negative radioactivity value, 50 times lower than cement, it filters and reduces particles, dust and bacteria and protects the human body from continuous exposure to electrosmog.